Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Tough times filming

Just wanted to let you all know, that KZ is a tough place to film sometimes. There are certain public places that we were not allowed to film, and others where our host recommended we take the small camera I have and not our big professional one.

ONe quick story. This morning, our last day here, we went around the streets filming some random fill shots, B Roll. After successfully getting some great shots we heard a police siren. We then heard the cop car yelling at us on his loudspeaker, I asked our host if he was yelling at us, and he said yes probably, it'll be ok. By the way, no offense to anyone who loves and speaks Russian, but I find it to be an angry language. No matter what people say, it sounds angry. If someone were to raise their voice and say I Love You, I would think that it was some hateful remark. So when we heard the cop on the megaphone, I thought we were goners. Then while I filmed the car, a motorcycle cop came up and spoke with our translator. He eventually left, because we are "just tourists and want to film the area."

This afternoon, we are going to chill in the city, buy some trinkets, I'm looking for a flag, then we're having a farewell dinner, and flying out tomorrow morning. We get back to the US of A on Saturday afternoon.

Thank you all for reading this blog and for your prayers and interest in the trip. I have enjoyed sharing it all with you, and will probably continue to post stories every so often if you are at all interested in my life. So whether I know you, or for those of you who I don't know, and I have no idea how you found this and read it, thanks, it's been fun. I'll post some more pictures when I get back and let you know when some of the stories are released online.


1 comment:

Lisa said...

Willis, i have loved getting to know this side of you. After all of these 21 years, you still surprise me. I am so proud of you and love you more than you know. As you approach your 21st birthday, I thank God that He chose me to be your mother!
We can't wait to see you Saturday!