Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Travel Days

So what I thought was going to be a while before my next post has only been a day. This is because of a 5 hr layover in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. To let you know the worst travel schedule ever it is as follows, 4 hr flight to Addis, 5 hours in Addis, 7 hr flight to London, 4 hrs in Lond, 10 hr flight to Almaty, KZ where we arrive at 4:30am...It is going to be amazing.

2 quick thoughts on the day:

1. This last flight I was having an internal debate over my stubborness when dealing with plane seat neighbors. At what point to you accept the fact that they can have the entire armrest and some in to your seat. I constantly found myself trying to get some space on the armrest touching arms for some time hoping that I could force him off, but he wouldn't budge. Then the second I relinquished an inch to get some breathing room he moved over. I found out of principle more than comfort I wanted the armrest because I paid just as much as he did for the armrest, it should be split halfies with a buffer area so you can breathe, and not mutually sweat on that one side.

2. Before we left we stopped by the church to say by to some friends. We arrived just before the primary school of about 50 4-6 yr old started. They were all playing in the courtyard when we arrived. When I got out of the car, they all slowly began to creep closer and closer to me, laughing and pushing their friends at me. Eventually they all stood a foot from me all the way around and stared at em laughing. I took out my hands and just put them out. They all immediately grabbed hold of them and started rubbing and grabbing my arms and hands. It was so forceful that I really did almost topple on top of them all. The ones on the outside wer pushing towards me trying to touch my skin. I looked at the pastor and said, "Man I should come here more often, I feel like a celebrity." He responded while taking a picture of the ordeal that "they have never touched a white person, and probably never seen one with big red hair."

This wnet on for about 10 minutes of me standing there with my hands out as they would push to me to grab a hold. For those of you who know me well, know that this killed me because I was ready to take all of them with me. They were adorable, and better yet they loved me, it was awesome! In the end, 3 kids were trampled and started crying from being knocked over, so the pastor made sure that I picked them up and got a solo picutre with them. It was an awesome feeling, and made it hard to leave right at the peak of my fame.

My internet time is up, who knows I may be back on during my 4 hrs in London. Feel free to comment or email, I enjoy hearing what is going on back home, and hearing from you.



Liz and Chris said...

Does anyone else see this as Willis' attempt to woo all the ladies reading the blog? Unwed women, don't be so easily fooled, I know this boy's adoption-enamored tricks like I know his new, hidden tattoo. On a more serious note, you better get ready to adopt some Ethiopian babies Willis, I'm going to bring some home to you. Hi Mrs Robertson!

Lisa said...

Hi Chris and Liz,
Aren't you pleased with how the Lord is using your famous redheaded friend? Don't stop praying for him. please! When will you come and visit us?
love, Mrs. R